I am a wanderer
In search of new beginnings
A vagabond
With nothing but a bag full of hopes and dreams
Standing on the edge of a mighty precipice
Looking out at the unknown
What future is ever so promising
When nothing is to be lost
Discover all that is new
With the utmost naivety
At little to no cost
That is all I can afford
Such pity for a poor man
Though I see a half-full glass of water in an empty wallet
An upside to tragedy
A silver lining from a series of unfortunate events
At any moment, my foot could slip
And I descend from the high rock face
Into my inevitable death
And yet I laugh in defiance
I, The Fool
I am a migrant
Lost and alone
Lacking direction
Like a fallen angel
Left with nothing but false hope and sorrow
Surrounded by chaos
Aimlessly walking through
What future is ever so bleak
When everything is to be lost
Realize the severity of my ignorance
With the utmost naivety
A pretty penny it must cost
That I cannot afford
Such pity for a poor man
Who sees only a half-empty glass of water in an empty wallet
The downsides that follow tragedy
No light in a dark room
And as I stand at the edge of a mighty precipice
I look down at a frivolous world
Once bright and filled with promise
Now set in reverse
I must simply be cautious
Countless looks over my shoulder
Should I even continue the journey?
At any moment, my foot could slip
And I descend helplessly from the high rock face
Into my inevitable death
And so I stray no further
I, The Fool
You see, I am known by many names
The wanderer
The gallivanter
The nomad
The lone ranger
The vagabond
The beggar
The jester
The lost traveler
The globetrotter
The rover
I prefer The Fool
One who takes a leap of faith
Full of stupidity
Prone to folly and poor judgment
Believing in the universe
With a stick on my back
Anything is possible
Wearing ragged clothes and stockings without shoes
Humbled by my setbacks and shortcomings
Having beginner's luck
Being inexperienced
Not knowing what to expect
An unlimited potential
Whether upside or in reverse
I, The Fool, tread the path unseen

Don Mitchell is a Black American poet and performer currently writing in Ellenwood, GA.